The Worst Countries For New Jobs

Japan, Czech Republic and Hungary (tie)

Net Employment Outlook*: -4%
What's Notable: Public administration and education jobs showed the most optimism in Japan, with a +3% outlook. The Czech Republic's best sector was agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry, with an at-least-not-negative +0% outlook. Electric, gas and water jobs showed the most promise in Hungary, with an outlook of +5%.


Net Employment Outlook: -5%
What's Notable: Italy experiences its fifth-consecutive quarter of negative employment outlook, but its industries have different stories to tell. Mining and quarrying has the worst outlook of all sectors in the country, -13%. Transportation, storage and communications has a net employment outlook of +9


Net Employment Outlook: -10%
What's Notable: Pharmaceuticals does the best of all industries in Ireland, with a net employment outlook of +0%. Things look grimmest for construction. Its net employment outlook is -23%.


Net Employment Outlook: -11%
What's Notable: Despite an overall dim outlook, the public and social sphere expects growth, albeit modest growth. The net employment outlook for that sector is +5%. Construction fell from slight positive growth last quarter to -23% and became the most pessimistic of all the country's industries.



Net Employment Outlook: -11%
What's Notable: Every industry sector and region of Spain has a negative employment outlook. This is the country's sixth consecutive quarter of negative outlook, too. Restaurants and hotels, the best sector in the country, mustered an outlook of -2%. Things are most dismal in transport, storage and communication, with an outlook of -22%.

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